March 10, 2007


I long for a simpler time. A time when women were women. A time when life was centered around family and home. Maybe it's a result of Spring peeking around the corner, but I feel this overwhelming need to get my house in order. And when I say house, I mean my entire life. I really feel like I spend too much time doing unnecessary things in my life. Time wasted looking for things I've lost. Time spent on the computer dreaming of things I can't afford. Time & money spent buying supplies for projects I don't have time to get to right now. Money spent on things I don't really need.

The other day I realized that another year has passed & I still haven't bought several things that I really need for the house. Another year has passed and I still haven't finished a single room in my house. Another year has passed and I still haven't gotten so many of my projects done. I think we wasted so much time and money last year on things that we shouldn't have. It occurs to me that if I change my ways life could be more simple. More fulfilling. So entering into this season of renewal, I'm making changes. Some of them big and some of them small. All of them meaningful.


  1. Beautiful post. I couldn't agree more ... must be Spring fever. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I am right there with you, the trouble is, making a plan of what to do and then doing it. But you do have a beautiful home, and you did that amazing birthday tea party, you make so many wonderful things. And I bet you don't regret the Spain trip - so don't get down on yourself too much. As an outsider looking in, it seems you are doing some pretty wonderful things :o)
    Allie from Minneapolis

  3. You've struck a chord with me! I too, have so many things to do... some I have wanted to do for a long time... some I need to do... and some I just HAVE to do for a little sanity! Spring is the perfect time for renewal! =)

  4. Excellent post. I think we all have "I wish I could get this done" kind of lists! Don't we? I do. I am a list maker though, I love to cross things off, even small things as I accomplish them. Writing tasks down and making a "to do" list seems to work best for me!
    Come visit me!

  5. My hat goes off to you. That is our family's life strategy-to keep things simple. I wish we could all retreat back to the years when families gathered on the porch after dinner instead of on the couch in front of the tv or on the computer. Our family spends long summer nights catching fireflies and making bonfires and I still cook almost every night of the world. I long for those same things that you do, and sometimes I am the odd one out in our little upwardly mobile world of career driven, successful, gimme gimme peers. It's nice to know that someone else is out there that feels the same way.

  6. I am totally feeling this. Why is it so hard to slow down? Why do I feel guilty for taking time to listen to the silence? Oh how I relate to your thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi, I love the design and color of your blog. I am in the process of setting up my own blog and was wondering if your design is from or if you created it yourself. If so, how did you do it. I hear blogging is user friendly but I'm a little illiterate when it comes to html. Any info you can provide is appreciated. Thank you, Debbie

  8. Your blog comments today ring with truth. I can say I relate to your observations about another year passing and things not changing. Perhaps this is our time to begin to bring about those changes. :D Best wishes.

  9. Such a brave woman!

    I always think I am going to try to go one month with NO SPENDING except on consumables.

  10. I feel that this is my life...a constant effort to keep focused on what is real & important. I agree with Allie...I think that you are doing a better job than you think. Your house is lovely & look at what you do for your children!

    I also know how it is to have a vision of how you want things to be & even if things look good to others, you know that it could be different. When I get annoyed at myself for not being closer to the end goal, I take an hour or two & make myself do something towards it. At least I feel like I'm doing instead of thinking! :)

  11. That is exactly how I feel. Congratulations on your wonderful blog. Any ideas on simplifying, please let me know...I would like to join you

  12. been there done that,and wasting time is one of my talents too,but dont beat yourslef up...make a list of those goals and stick to it. I find that armedwith a listI get less sidetracked.enjoy your blog immensly!

  13. So true. I think we all feel that way from time to time (or even all of the time). We have so many more opportunities than women of the past, but those opportunities take time and energy. Even though I think I would love a more simple life, I know I would miss many of the advantages that come with our modern world. Take a step back and make changes where needed, but keep the perspective that we do live in a different world than our grandmothers or even our mothers. Wishing you all the best with your "house cleaning"!!!

  14. I feel I could have written this myself! I think it must be Spring in the air as I'm totally feeling like simplifying my life. I have warned George that we're going to be having a huge clearout! I feel like I'm carrying around too much unnecessary stuff with me, and like you not getting projects done in the house that I really want to. Good luck with your changes. I think we've chosen a perfect time of year for some home renewal.

  15. Yes, yes and I say again, yes.
    I actually did something from my to do list the other day that had been there for 5 years. It felt so good. And now I want to do the other things I always wanted to. But first I have a king size afghan to grannysquare and I've only gto 8 more squares to do.... so the list will wait.

  16. Your blog is lovely. Love all your thoughts and pretty pics... will check back !

  17. I love this post! I too, long for simplier times and it seems every spring (and fall) I go through this same thing you are speaking of. It is a daily struggle for me to not get caught up in the "I have to have this."

    I think the reason I enjoy blogging so much is because it has helped me to connect with others who have these same interests/values.

  18. I agree completely Jen. Good luck with your plans.
    I am off to de-clutter some more...


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