October 28, 2013

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

First...thank you all for your encouragement and thoughts on my last post! I hadn't expected that reaction but I loved knowing that I'm not alone in my feeling. Let's start a cozy blog movement! Let me be clear, I don't begrudge anyone the way they want to use or run their blog. I just miss the coziness of the way blogging used to be so I prefer to spend my time reading blogs that give me that feeling and I prefer to embrace the coziness here. I don't mind blogs having sponsors or promoting their shop, or book or whatever. Some of the blogs on my sidebar do that very thing and do it well. I don't want to rehash all that, but I want to say thank you! For commenting, for understanding and for visiting me here in my little corner of the world.

For the last couple of weeks I have been in a cleaning/organizing frenzy. At first I thought it was a Fall nesting induced frenzy, and while I do think that is part of it, or at least what instigated it, I realized the other night at 11:30pm as I was finishing sorting out the studio, what was really going on.

I have been stuck in this cycle of not feeling like I have time to do the things I enjoy. Or if I do take the time, I feel guilty because I always think there are other things I should be doing. I think this is strictly a female phenomenon. I adore my family and taking care of them and making a cozy home for them is my top priority but I'm tired of feeling bogged down with an endless list of chores and to do's and guilt. I was suffering from a serious case of clutter oppression.

So as I clean, purge and organize, what I'm really doing is making space for pleasures and creativity. Room to think and breath. Me time. I've almost worked my way through the entire house. Not a flip flop or junk drawer has evaded my quest. It's amazing what you can do when you are on a mission to take back your life.

I'm clearing the chaos and clutter from my home and from my mind and you wouldn't believe how it is making room for new ideas and excitement. I feel so energized that I can scarcely wait to get out of bed in the mornings.

Now it's time to let the wild rumpus begin!!


  1. Your space looks amazing!! Love it! And totally agree on blogging! Happy Monday!

  2. This looks so pretty! I want to be there enjoying it with you! I agree about blogging. Things have definitely changed over the 5 years I have been blogging. I love seeing cozy homes, hearing about people's days. It's nice to know others do too. Sometimes I feel like if I write too much about my day people will be bored. This post inspires me to get more REAL, to share more from the heart. My blog has definitely evolved. It's all about what's most important to me: my kids, husband, dog, home, and of course, my garden ;)

    I spent the summer purging....still have a ways to go. I am also wanting to get things to a point where I can just be creative....a true dream.

  3. I do think change of season gives us that urge to organize, probably nature's way!

  4. I love your creative space! I have just begun with the purging of un-needed clutter. It feels so good!

  5. I love your studio. it is so cozy and colorful and inspiring!!

  6. I've been cleaning out and refining lately. We moved into this house 16 months ago and I just realized that many of the cabinets were still in the "just cram it in there" condition. It's nice to make it work better....and it's really nice when you open a door and things don't fall at you.

  7. I love the feeling of cleaning and purging too. About to reorganize my master bedroom closet and looking through things that I may give to charity or friends.

    Your studio is so colorful!

  8. Oh my, I think you're right... it's a female thing. I can certainly relate. My hubby is out of town this week, and whenever he is gone, I plan to get all kinds of things done. I'm not always as successful as I imagine I'll be -- but here's to this week! May it be productive for both of us -- and all of our friends that feel like they're in the same boat. Happy Monday! ~Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer

  9. We are of the same mind. And I do think it is a female thing (although my husband has been doing the same thing in the garage). I spent my weekend doing the same thing and it feels so good. Let t he fun begin!

  10. I don't think you need to be apologetic about the oogy feeling that competitive blogging is showing now. It's just, well absurd. I think it actually fails to serve the purpose in some sense because you are not alone in just deleting those blogs from your daily reading and moving on. I see enough ads on tv and on billboards and even in the doctors office. Enough is enough. Really. Anyway. Once or twice a year I clean out a bunch of junk too. I am having the urge again myself even though I just did it a few months ago. Three little kids means a lot of crap everywhere and it's sucking the life out of me again! :-) Your room looks fresh and lovely and I would like to sit and stay awhile there.

  11. You go Girl!
    I have always said, "it's easier to simplify then it is or organize". So purging and making space will free up your mind, too!

  12. My husband always get nervous when I start the 'nesting' thing. I think he worries more about his stuff, so he starts carting things to the mancave/garage. Love your creative cave...enjoy the fun to come.
    blessings, jill

  13. oh this is so, so fun. Yay you! Our house has been a bit of a boarding house lately, and I have lost "my space." In the past few weeks I have realized how hard this has been on me emotionally. Not sure what the answer is, but I am keeping my eyes open for it! Cannot wait to see what you create in yours!!

  14. Fall inspires me to clean things out more than Spring ever does. In the spring I start to focus on outside, and in the fall I realize I'll be spending almost all my time in these four walls. It makes me take a good look and that inevitably spurs a clean out. Oddly enough, I do small organizing jaunts every couple of months, but more stuff keeps creeping into corners. As soon as I figure out how this happens (because come on, I know it isn't garage sales and Salvation Army jaunts that are the problem) I'll have it all under control ;>)
    Looking forward to seeing what you create Jen.

  15. YES!!! We had a life changing matter that happened to our family last year and ever since I had to sit and realize what life meant to me. I got rid of so much clutter and useless(to me) stuff. I took 4 car loads to the mission and it felt amazing. I now have just what I need and it is so easy to sit and create within a limited time because I am not digging for an hour to find stuff to create with.
    Hope yours goes the same way!

  16. Thank you for sharing such a lovely post. I happened upon your blog by accidently clicking on it while I was reading Lori Holt's "beeinmybonnet" blog. I thought I was alone in the "old" blogging way, but, I see I am in good company :-)

  17. Oh my ~ I envy you at the moment. Right now, I have time for nothing and I MEAN nothing. work work work. But, I am looking forward to the winter days where everything stops and I can purge my home as well. ~ let the rumpus begin ;-)

  18. Hello Jan...
    I just red your previous post...and I could not agree with you more...
    I like to read about REAL people....and their REAL lives....and their REAL gardens...
    I have always tried to maintain that in my blogging...
    Keep up the good work!
    Enjoy your week...♥

    Linda :o)

  19. Heaven help me, that room is gorgeous.
    I remember poking around your studio room at your rental house. I could have stayed in there forever just exploring all your goodies!

  20. So Pretty! I love the basket with the wrapping paper! I feel the same way about the blogs....

    Amy Jo

  21. I'm your newest follower - just discovered your blog from 'Bee in my Bonnet' - and am sure glad I did. love your organising..... great inspiration.

  22. Beautiful studio!

    I could relate to what you wrote in this post (and the previous!). I need to get rid of some clutter in my life and mind and it was inspiring to read.

  23. I feel that purging and straightening and sorting is a creative endeavor in and of itself. It propels me to think creatively!

  24. I'm with you, about cozy blogs (mine is one of them), AND the organizing. I'm on fall break from school for 2 days, and my to do list is crazy long. Things for the whole house, things for my craft area. LOVE the organizing wooden box for your washi tape. GREAT idea. I have one of those!

    Keep it up. Your organizing looks beautiful.

  25. oh jen, i am feeling this exact same way. ready to tackle the too-much-stuff around our house. yours looks lovely by the way. (love your wash organization!)

  26. I'm so excited and inspired reading this that I'm literally kind of vibrating!! I have been in the same process, just clearing and clearing and clearing. The more I do, the more I want to do more. Somehow just clearing out the excess gives you SO much energy! So exciting for you, I can't wait to see what you do next.

    Meanwhile, two things. A. I am IN LOVE with your studio. And noticing how many of the same things we have. The green table legs -- I have the same exact green ready to paint my dining room table legs. The little white hutch -- I have one just the same but I painted it green, but I am painting the little glass bookcase in my studio white with an aqua interior! And of course, roses on the curtains. Now I'm inspired to keep working on mine so I can share. B. I am in on the cozy blogging movement. Starting next week when I finally wrap up the October birthday/Halloween extravaganza, I am doing the same clean and clear on the blog. I can't wait to share it! Cozy bloggers unite! :-)


  27. love your pretty studio! it is looking mighty organized in there :) i always feel the same as you do about the endless chores, etc., and am so happy I have my craft room to retreat to. looking forward to seeing what you'll create!

  28. Love the shelf filled with beautiful colors of fabric . . . love the basket/cart filled with fabric . . . really love the shade of green/blue of that metal basket . . .envy you a room in the house to work.

  29. Nothing feels better than an organized studio, so lovely. Since moving I no longer have a studio, just a very large closet...this post makes me want to tackle it into submission though & get back some pretty :)


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