Where have I been? You'd think I live under a rock because I never heard of Matthew Mead until I saw this magazine gracing the newstands. You MUST buy this magazine. The publishing powers that be must get the hint to give this guy his own monthly. I would give up lattes to buy this magazine every month. Well, truth be known, I don't actually
like lattes so it wouldn't be that big of a sacrifice. But if I
did, I would definetly give them up for
his magazine. You must also check out his
website and for the love of all things country, cottage and creative please don't forget to check out the
This leads me to another discovery. Did you know that there is a Country Home
blog? Yes m'am. You heard me right. Just one more thing to keep you from getting your housework done everyday. I promise you this instantly went on my favorite blogs list! So, as I go about prepartions today for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast my mind will be on Christmas and using some of the great ideas I have gotten from my new bff, Matthew Mead.
Jen I love M. Mead! Isn't he great? Don't you wish he lived next door to you? Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I have never heard of him either. I just went to look at his site...will have to investigate further! I'll go buy the magazine when I'm in town. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI've noticed this magazine on a few blogs and have been looking for it everywhere! No luck yet, but I'll keep looking. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this. I have not heard of Matthew Mead until now. I love his web site too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post on my site--so appreciate your kind words. Matthew Mead is a rock star among stylists and project designers who work with the magazines. His book Gifts From Nature came out at the same time one of mine did and it is so beautiful....a classic collection of decorating inspiration. You would love it. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
ReplyDeleteYes, this magazine is amazing! I can't believe all the really great projects he has crammed in there. Love the website too.
ReplyDeleteNo, I hadn't heard of him before either :)
I will check it out right away......I may not get the turkey in the oven but I will have another wonderful place to go and check out. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for the information......Sharon Kay
ReplyDeleteI found the magazine at Michael's a few weeks ago and couldn't put it down. I love it! Hadn't heard of him before that.
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE the Country Home blog, but they don't tell you where to find those ReCollections books:( They look fabulous!
Hi. I think Matthew Mead may be related to Chris Mead who is a photographer who has done many County Cottage Style books. The last Chris Mead book I saw was called - Flea Market Stlye and the last Matthew Mead book I saw was called Country Home Quick Country Decorating. They may consequently have done more books recently but living in London, England; I don't get to see as Many of this genre of books unless I'm vacationing in the US or Canada. Kind Regards, Scarlett in London :-)
ReplyDeleteI love Matthew Mead. He lives in NH. If you get Country Home magazine or ever saw Country Home on HGTV he was a contributor. I have a feeling this magazine was a test and we'll be seeing more of him. Living in the Northeast I had no trouble finding the magazine.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this wonderful and amazing post about my magazine... I can't thank you enough for the support...I love these blogs and being able to connect with people and my success is all from your great feedback... I have been trying to respond to all of the great comments about this post... but if I don't get to all of them, please know that if you can't find the magazine, it will be available for preview and sale through the Country Home web site. This has been such an amazing experience for me... thank you all so much for such great energy. Happy, happy, happy holiday season to you all... Warmly, Matthew
ReplyDeleteWow! You guys love him as much as I do. I'm glad to hear it. If you don't have the magazine, run don't walk to your local store and get it before they are all gone!
ReplyDeleteMatthew, what an honor it is to have you stop by my blog. Earlier today I was telling my sweet hubby "If anything ever happens to you I'm marryin' Matthew Mead becayse he is sooo talented!" After hearing me scream like a school girl after reading your message I think he's getting nervous...
Wow Jen what an honor that Matthew Mead just stopped by to say hello! I have seen his work in Country Home magazine and on HGTV and everything he does is magic. So happy to hear that we will be seeing alot more of him. Have a great holiday!!! RJ
ReplyDeleteMichael, it is SO nice to meet you! You are an incredible talent and I look forward to picking up your magazine and drooling over its' pages! Welcome to or blogging community! :-)
Aargh! Hubby was talking and interrupted me while I wrote my post and made me type Michael instead of Matthew! LOL
ReplyDeleteAnywho - Nice to meet you MATTHEW! Thank you Jen for "introducing" us with your post!
omg, he really is your new bff!! :)
ReplyDeleteJen, I had never heard of Matthew, either! Thanks for the intro. I will have to check this out immediately!