January 07, 2008

Finding Focus

In an effort to be my best me this year, I am trying to find focus in all aspects of my life. There is no telling how much time I lose by running around in circles and not finishing one thing, before I move on to the next. I'm sure none of you can relate to that.

School starts back tomorrow, and I love my girls, but, well, thank God. Between Sweet Hubby's vacation and the girls, I have had 23 days of getting nothing accomplished. But who's counting. I can't wait to dive right into the projects as soon as I see bus fumes.

I'm just dying to start a project for a giant blackboard in my kitchen but since it is not in the interest of being my best me, I am going to put it off a bit longer so that I can finish some furniture painting projects in Emma's room. I think 4 years is long enough for her bookshelf to be unfinished. I'd find that embarrassing if I didn't know perfectly well that all of you have a little secret that is just as dirty as that one.

So clearly I'm still struggling with the focus thing or I'd be posting pictures of painted bookshelves instead of chalkboards. I guess I'll justify it by telling myself that it's motivation for me to get the distasteful jobs done, so that I can get to the fun stuff. Baby steps folks.

(photos 1,2 and 3 from cottage living. photo 4 from country living)


  1. I can SO relate with the unfinished projects. Eventually they will get done, or not:>).

  2. Well I can relate to everything you just said (even the pictures are the same ones I have saved on my computer!), no surprise there. Kids are finally going back to school so I am hoping my brain and schedule will return shortly.

    Happy Focus,


  3. I think these pictures are so inspiring! And if your like me, half the fun of doing a project is looking forward to it. I have a chalkboard in my kitchen, initially I had big dreams but settled for a plain one. I'll probably beef it up with an ornate frame someday. Cant wait to see how it turns out!

  4. Baby steps, indeed! I'm struggling with my own unfinished projects! Good luck-it'll all get done! I can also relate to the relief of the kids going back to school...me, too!

  5. Hi Jennifer,
    Let me tell you, you will ADORE a chalkboard in your kitchen, of course, when you get the chance:) My Daddy purchased 3 very old heavy school slate chalk boards at a school demolition, for all his kids(families) It is the greatest thing for organization. Plus it looks phenominal, when they are so huge (as this one is)it just becomes a large piece of artwork.I love it so much that I now have 2 others I have found at different sales. I know I know..par down! Lisa has such a bad habit- spend spend spend.(they are in the storage unit(garage)
    Hey, could you come over and wish Ryan a happy birthday today??
    Thanks girlfriend--

  6. I love that pic from Cottage Living (love that whole house). I hope your project will go well. I too, hope to get more accomplished than I have been. Hope springs eternal. LOL.

  7. those chalkboard pictures are so neat! and, what? you aren't perfect? WOW! too bad the rest of us are all perfect. ha! i have so many unfinished projects i don't know where to begin and they're all just swimming around in my head longing to be complete...kind of like disney characters who never got turned back into what they originally were! poor projects.

  8. I love all those chalkboards! I have been collecting a small ones for a while and want to do a whole wall of them. Like you I am taking baby steps..Step 1 - take down Christmas. Lol.

  9. love these images..i think several are from teh same girls home & i love them. i too am trying to decide whether i'll pain the front of the girls "snack pantry" in chalkboard paint or find some large gilded framed chalkboard for my kitchen wall. i have something in mind thus making it hard to find the exact thing.
    with ya on baby steps though & unproductivity when all the loved ones are home!

  10. Running in circles? Losing focus? Unfinished projects? Who me?!! ;)

    Sounds like the story of my life.

    I love chalkboards. These are some great inspiration photos!

  11. I absolutely love these pictures and the chalkboard idea. Of course I also completely relate to everything you said!!

    Here's to great New Year with lots of new projects - she said with much hopefullness!!

    Sabina ~ barefoot in the orchard

  12. I love chalkboards, but I never remember to put them up when I am choosing my decorating! I don't know why. I love your photos. I have copies of the top three (I love the top dining room, I have that in a design book somewhere). The bottom one I haven't seen before, I'll have to hunt that down!
    ~Angela :-)

  13. You could be writing about me. Those are some mighty inspiring images too...

  14. Yeah, add me to the "DITTO" list! I swear I have project ADD sometimes! Those pesky finishing details! My daughter has had an unfinished desk in her room for about 18 months. I can't wait to see some of your projects!

  15. Unfinished projects? Running in circles? I'd like to find one person who doesn't have the same sentiments as your latest blog. I can so relate. The photo's are most inspiring, I love the look of chalkboards in the kitchen.

  16. I do love chalkboards!!
    I'm sure you will get the shelves done in no time. Don't hate me, but I am one of those start something and work on it until it's done people. That is just me.
    I can't even go to bed if there is a dish in the sink. (Weird I know)
    So I'm pulling for you!! Can't wait to see them when they are done.
    Happy painting,

  17. Me,too! I can so relate with all the projects I have going on!

  18. Yup, I agree it's project time but I'm having trouble getting started.....

  19. You got that right! I have a dozen projects I need to finish. Maybe I'll make that my January goal: finish the old projects.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    God bless.

  20. I also find it difficult to find focus ..I guess it is because we have a whole year in front of us and somehow it seems to us that we have all the time..no rush.I also feel that Christmas is so demanding of our time to get everything completed that now with so much time before us our mind wanders.
    That's the way it is for me and now that I have so much time because of my broken ankle I still find I am NOT focused.Best of luck beginning your new project!hugs NG

  21. I just love a big painted chalkboard, I can't get enough.
    The dining room photo that is my living room inspiration is like florentine plaster CC-520 Benjamin Moore.
    You talk of your daughters bookcase to be painted, is inspiring me to dig out a roadside bookcase I found and have been neglecting in my garage, it would be perfect in my youngests room, thanks you gave me a kick in the pants , bet you didn'y even know it.

  22. Oh Jen, I'm right there with you with not being focused enough. Your blog today describes me. I drive my husband crazy not finishing one project before starting another one. It's on my list of New Year's resolutions. And with that, I better get my focus back to my morning chores before I head out the door. Good luck to you.

  23. I'm in love with all those chalkboards...which one is yours?

  24. I thrive on new and unfinished projects - because of the elation I experience when they are done and have turned out well ...or even better than I expected!

  25. I used to have a huge chalboard in my kitchen when I lived in the house before the one I have now. I miss it but I just do not have the same space as I did before.
    By the way I was counting the days til the bus came, I had soo much work to do and I was getting stressed out!


  26. LOVE the chalkboard projects!!! I am thinking of using the chalkboard paint on a paneled door in my kitchen (it looks just like the botto photo), I think it would be so much fun to let the little ones doodle on!

  27. I am the same way. Start something then something else. I am currently reading 3 books at one time. LOL Have a really GREAT DAY!!

  28. Yes old blackboards are beautiful as a decor! Very inspiring pictures...

  29. You just picked every favorite picture from Cottage Living, Jen!

    Love that Heather Chadduck!

    But **clearing throat** I don't know what you're talking about - not finishing things. Nope I don't. Because I finish EVERYTHING I start. Errrr....except the things I don't.

  30. Oh yes that describes me too! Can't wait to see some of your projects!!!!! I have quite a list going to.......

  31. Me too, Jen! In my newfound freedom, I'm having problems getting out of my pj's & off the computer to get some important things done. I'm sure it will all kick in this month for all of us.


  32. Jen, I so know what you mean! Just a couple of weeks ago, I finished painting a coffee table that I started on over a year ago! Ugh! And I have tons of little projects like that lying about! I think it's just in our nature to flitter about from one cool project to the next...and that's a good thing!

    I love those chalkboard photos - so inspiring!

  33. Wow! Only one unpainted/ or not the color you want it to be piece of furniture! You rock! I have about 6! Hehe! That chalkboard Idea is really cool too! I have a big white obnoxious door in my kitchen that would make a perfect chalkboard, I will add it to my list maybe I will get to that in 2012! I have the same spinning in circles not completing what I would like to problem, it is nice to see it that someone else does too! I wish us both luck in getting our little and big projects done in 2008! Have a great week!

  34. What wonderful, inspiring pictures! I too can relate to it all as well, yee-haw for school and work! :D

  35. I think we should start a club. I'm sure my husband thinks that I am the only woman in the world who can not finish what she started. There are just too many ideas running around in my head that I need to start the next one to make room for a new one.
    Love all the pictures


  36. Oh, how I can relate! I have seriously felt like a little hampster on a wheel this past week (and my kids have been in school).

    Love the chalkboard photos ~ I have all of the same pictures saved in my inspiration file!

  37. I'd love to feature your blog on mine. A picture and link would be used. If that'd be all right with you could you please let me know? Thank you kindly.

    lulashardt at g mail dot com

    Haus Frau at lulashardt.blogspot.com

  38. Hi Jennifer,
    Like Lisa, we too have an old heavy real slate chalkboard in our kitchen. The Lord of the Manor got it from UOP when they were renovating classrooms. We just love it and use it all the time. It's close to the phone, so messages and appointment are written on it. And menus and house projects and strange kid doodles too. So get one right away and then you can keep track of your projects on it!
    Laura from Amongst The Oaks

  39. I absolutely relate to all that you have said. I'm going to be doing a chalk board in my kitchen also. Although it won't be quite as dramatic as the ones you showed. I'm going to do it on my kitche pantry door. But FIRST I have to finish painting all the trim in the kitchen....with that being said, the chalkboard project should be completed in November... :)

  40. I love that giant chalkboard. What a fantastic idea.

  41. I had to stop by and check out this post once more. I just love this idea!!

  42. I totally LOVE the look of a black board in a kitchen! We have such similar tastes. My kitchen is all cabinets and windows, which isn't bad or anything, but I sure would love a wall to hang or create a big black board. I struggle with focusing too, and yes, we all have our dirty little secrets ;o)


  43. love these images...love that heather chadduck and that idea house sliding pantry door! i've blogged about that door and heather's kitchen!


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