August 26, 2008

Change is in the Air

On a cool morning like this, with soft breezes blowing through the house, I can smell fall in the air. Every day there are small changes that are leading up to big changes. I feel this same shift taking place inside of me, as acutely as I feel it in the air. I'm becoming a different person, an improved version of myself, I hope. I'm getting braver and stronger, grasping new opportunities and embracing the idea that dreams don't always have to stay dreams. I'm making an effort to really be present in every moment & taking the time to appreciate the simple things that give me pleasure & learning that sometimes looking for the pleasure in everyday tasks, makes them more enjoyable.

-We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry. E. B. White


  1. I appreciate your words today. Great post!

  2. I really want to be a person who finds joy even in cleaning the floor. The simple things and the 'have to do' things. I really think it is possible. Thanks for your post today. It has a nice and worth thinking about thought.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. It was 55 this morning in Chicagoland...fall is on the way.
    I think it has to do with the kids going back to school though - brings to mind a whole sense of new beginnings.

  4. You bring beauty to the simplicity.


  5. It's one of the reasons Autumn is my favourite season ~ the feeling of "new beginnings" :-)
    Love your lined wicker laundry basket Jen.

  6. Beautiful picture! Beautiful thoughts! Beautiful quote!

  7. We should all remember to do this! Sometimes we forget when life gets busy! Could you please blow some of that cool air my direction PLEASE!!! It's so hot here in FL. but then again it could be worse, at least the hurricanes have missed us. By the way, love the pic with the old chair and laundry basket, it does at least make the laundry look pretty!

  8. Thanks for the inspirational have given me much to think about!

  9. I've been having some of the same thoughts recently, Trying to enjoy the simple things in life, if you can enjoy doing the laundry, just imagine how you will feel on a vacation, or eating at your favorite restaurant, or winning the lottery!!

  10. Very well said. I am also trying to find joy in just the simple things. I have sorted and taken so many things to Goodwill, given things to my friends, I am simplyfying my life. I don't think God intended us to live with so much clutter in our homes and in our minds. And by the way I love the thought of Fall coming. I love to pull in, start cooking and baking again and having more evening time with my husband instead of us always being outside doing yard work and what not. Sorry this was so long, your post just really touched me.


  11. How true! I agree about loving the simple things! I just wish it wasn't so easy to loose sight of that with being SO busy with life! Thanks for reminding me!

  12. What a rediculously great quote. It really hit home for me. Thank you for the great post.

  13. I love your post! What did Forest Gump say??? Simple is is simple does...something like that. I love simple. I am enjoying the cool breeze come in this morning as I sip on my coffee and catch up with a few blog friends. So quiet in the house....a simple time in the morning.

    Have a great day,

  14. Too many people just wait around for things to happen to them. I made up my mind a very long time ago, I was not going to be one of those people. I will reach out and grab hold of my dreams and spend the rest of my life reeling them in! I have always been a genuinely happy and positive person though. Have a great week!

  15. I couldn't agree more. I am loving that laundry basket!!

  16. Enjoying the simple things brings joy and peace to each moment. Thanks for this reminder to live in the present.


  17. Here here! Good for you!

    Happy day!

    PS. Speaking of getting brave and grasping new dreams, my blog has moved! If you don't mind updating your link, here is the new address!
    I will be creating a new blogroll as well.


  18. Great post, love the pic.
    I feel the same!


  19. What a beautiful post! I too needed these words today :)

  20. How true that quote is. It's nice to be reminded every once in a while. Thank you.

  21. What a beautiful post! The picture and quote were perfect illustrations of your theme.

  22. I love that EB White quote. I picked grapes last weekend and had a blast! Well, drinking wine along with it helps a bit!

  23. "...dreams don't always have to stay dreams.." no, they don't. I need to remind myself of that sometimes, too...


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