September 01, 2009

So Long Summer

The time has come. You were one of the best I can recall and I'll remember you fondly. Days filled with sunshine, temperatures that were cooler than usual. Evenings spent visiting and sharing meals with neighbors. Books, creating, swimming, swinging, games and movies. A vacation filled with enough good times to get me through til next year.

So goodbye summer. Thanks for the memories.


  1. We will be amidst summer for the next few months. sigh.

  2. Looks like we were/are on the same wavelength with our farewell posts! No surprise there...

    Now, get thou hiney to BL!

  3. It's still really hot here. Today is supposed to be 94 and tomorrow is supposed to be 97. The mornings are starting to feel crisper at least. I am so ready for it to cool down so I can bring out my sweaters! And I am so ready to decorate for fall. Summer is my favorite season, and I do love it, but when fall rolls around, I am usually so excited!!
    I hope your fall is as good as your summer was!! :)

  4. Well, now I can say happy fall to you! xo, Serena :)

  5. I LOVE fall. Actually I love all our different season and get so excited when each new one begins!

  6. I am so glad your summer was a wonderful one! Happy Fall to you! :)

  7. I lift my glass of iced tea and bid a fond farewell.:)

  8. It was a great one here too! I am looking forward to fall though...I love the change of seasons.




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