December 20, 2011

Birthday Happiness

Today is my 41st birthday. This is the scene I woke up to this morning. Gifts lovingly wrapped and placed under the birthday tree in my studio. What? You've never heard of a birthday tree before? Well, that just sounds crazy to me. When your birthday is this close to Christmas you find ways to celebrate the connection.

My little one was way too sick for school today (wink,wink) and stayed home to help us celebrate. We had breakfast on Main Street and there was some shopping in the morning and studio pottering in the afternoon. My guy made me dinner and my big girl baked me this gorgeous carrot cake from this recipe. Incredibly good. She made the lighter version so we could have bigger pieces. It was a good decision.

It was a simple day filled with love and sweetness and, I think, my favorite birthday yet. I wish the day never had to end but maybe that's because it's such a treat to have my family fuss over me so much. I found myself looking around at their faces before I blew out my birthday candles and I knew for sure what my birthday wish would be. I hope this next year is as happy as the one that came before it.


  1. sooo cute!! love the tinsle tree!!

  2. Happy Birthday! That cake sure looks yummy.

  3. Happy Birthday ~! The cake looks scrumptious ;-)

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday Jen!
    From one December baby to another! ~H

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet Sister!

  6. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! I love the birthday tree! That cake looks very serious! Maybe a two piece cake!

  7. Happy Birthday, Jen. What a loving family you have!


  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet lady! How wonderful to cared for by family..Families are Forever, what a blessing! :D

  9. Happy Birthday! You're just a youngster! And that cake looks absolutely yummy too.

  10. Happy, Happy Birthday, Jen. It looks like you had a wonderful, special day! Love the Birthday tree! xo Diana

  11. Happy Birthday!!!
    Teresa's Carrot Cake from Meadowbrook Farm is my family's favourite too!!!
    Sounds like a fun day!

  12. Happy Birthday Jen. The cake looks absolutely scrumptous! Patty

  13. hmmm...carrot cake one of my favorites!
    I am so glad you have had a wonderful
    day blessed by a dear family what on
    earth could possibly be better?
    Happy birthday Jen...wise wise wish.

  14. Happy Birthday Jen! My birthday is tomorrow and I know exactly why birthday trees are very important- and gifts NOT wrapped in Christmas paper! ;)

  15. Happy Birthday! That cake looks amazing!! Sounds like you had a beautiful day.

    I've got to get one of those birthday trees. ;-)

  16. oh this is why you need facebook ;)
    sounds like your birthday was wonderful! & what a beautiful carrot cake!
    happy birthday sweet friend

  17. happy birthday! the cake looks delicious, i may have to bake one. Glad you had a great day and your lovies spoiled you.

  18. Happy Birthay! Love your birthday tree and your cake looks so yummy! I just found your blog and it is so lovely! I am so glad I found it! Merry Christmas! Angie xo

  19. Happy Birthday!! What a perfect day! That cake looks seriously yummy!

    It's my girl's 10th birthday today -- special day for her too!


  20. Wishing you a belated happy birthday and a joyous year ahead!

  21. Happy Birthday Jen, who knew we shared our "special" day?? Mine involved an ice cream cake, but it's ALL good!! Am glad you had a super good day!
    Birthday Hugs to you!!

  22. Happy Birthday. Great looking cake and I love the Birthday tree!

  23. sounds wonderful! Happy Birthday :)

  24. Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had the perfect day. The cake looks gorgeous- and so does the plate! B xxx

  25. Happy Birthday!!!! I'm so glad that you had such a special day. I hope that your entire December is filled with days equally wonderful.

  26. Girlfriend! Love your birthday tree and wish. Love you!!!

  27. Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great day :)

  28. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful day of celebrating! Nothing like family time.....preicous!! My baby girl will be celebrating hers Christmas day!

  29. Happy Happy Birthday Jen. Looks like it was a day totally filled with love ... and that cake..yummy

  30. That cake looks soo yummy! Hope you had a wonderful birthday...certainly sounds like it :)

  31. Oh, sorry I am a day late but Happy Birthday! What better way to spend it but with your family. Sounds like you had a great day and the cake looks delish!

  32. Happy Birthday! Looks like we were both Christmas time babies. {You're younger but not by much} Love the idea of the birthday tree. I might have to do that next year.
    Merry Christmas too, birthday girl!

  33. Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you had a wonderful day!!! and I love your birthday tree! Ps- I love hot dogs too, I knew there was a reason why I love you, LOL! ;)

  34. Oh, here I am a day late.
    Happy Birthday, JJ! Glad you liked the cake. It's wonderful breakfast food, too!
    Love you!!!!!!

  35. So lovely, both the tree and birthday. Happy Birthday! Kit

  36. Happy Belated Birthday Jen! I am just now catching up on my blogger besties since I worked retail this Christmas...and it kicked my boo tay.

    You are way, way young!

    xoxo, Julia

  37. happy birthday jen!!! it sounds like it was a wonderful one...and that cake looks amazing. my complements to the chef! :)

  38. I first heard of a birthday tree when I read Snowbound with Betsy years ago...Star's bd is on Christmas or the 24th... it is a cute idea!


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