February 01, 2012

Love Month

I love February. I have many Valentine projects on my to do list for the next couple of weeks- a pillow, hand embroidered Valentines, a fabric banner. I love the colors and the patterns and the symbols. What's not to love about a month that celebrates love?

While some men are given to romantic gestures on Valentine's Day, my man is not one of them, because, and I quote, "Valentine's Day is a B.S. made up holiday". Now you see what I'm dealing with. Since he is an otherwise all-around good guy I instead use the holiday as an excuse to craft and cook heart shaped food. That's called making the best of what life gives you!


  1. Hmm...maybe he's just having a bad day! Glad you are making Valentine crafts despite that. Cute banner by the way!

  2. You're not alone in having a husband that despises V-Day. We've been married 20 years, and for most of them I would get, if anything, flowers or a card on either the day before or the day after the holiday! The last few years he has mellowed, and I actually got a dozen roses last Feb. 14. This year, who knows? What he doesn't know is that it stopped being that important to me years ago, and that I really just appreciate the fact that he's a good and loving guy, who still wants to come home to me every day!

  3. I like your banner! Very cute. Tell your husband to search Valentine. The story of St. Valentine is really cool - and real. Even if you don't want to get into the hoopla of all the hearts and gushy cards it's still neat to know it's not just a 'made-up' holiday!

  4. I'm glad that someone likes the month of February. On my alter-ego blog, I wrote how much I dislike the month. Some bad words were used.

    Enjoy your month and make some beautiful creations!

  5. Since your hubby isn't playing along, you can be my valentine, JJ!
    I love heart shaped food, too.
    It tastes better.

  6. Love the banner. I like making it fun for my boys though, they enjoy it.

  7. OOH! LOVE THE BANNER!! V-day around here is pretty much another day as well...or at best very sporadic! I have my mom's heart-shaped pans that I intend (note: intend) to use this year to make a little somethin' heart-shaped for my honey.
    Jen, I noticed the darkened aqua on the links..it did help somewhat and do imagine it is my computer (or *ahem* my every aging eyes??) Thanks for doing that!

  8. I agree with your husband. =)

  9. Love your banner and you know what they say; the one that doesn't deserve the hug needs it the most! LOL ;D

  10. LOL- Well, as long as you know you are his sweetheart every other day of life it doesn't really matter, does it? xo Diana

  11. well I have to say he is right about that. It is a man made commercialized
    holiday but women love it. Love that
    you embrace the day by celebrating with crafts and baked goodies. I do not like to join the throngs and go out on that day restaurants way too overcrowded. Give me dinner by a roaring fire prepared by hubby, a little music,maybe a romantic movie, just the two of us perfection.
    .... and maybe some chocolate mousse

  12. LOL!! I love your attitude. My hubby recently said, "Oh no, we are heading into the season of gift giving!" with a laugh...LOL Not only Val day, but our anniversary, Mom's day, and my birthday. I said, make it easy on yourself. Just bring me flowers to work. But I am lucky, he usually comes up with some great ideas to celebrate. Kit

  13. What a pretty banner!
    We sort of celebrate Valentine's Day. We cook a special dinner at home, no cards, no flowers but a decadent dessert is a must!

  14. Your husband is such a sweetie, he gets a pass on Valentine's Day!

  15. loving your banner! a great mixing of styles!


  16. oh, i love love love the book pages as banners! fabulous idea!

    (and to piggyback on jill's comment, there's a neat children's book about st. valentine!)

  17. I love your LOVE garland. I just took down my New Year's garland so I let my husband off easy with some simpler decorations on the mantle.

    I no longer hoard fabric but, I did for many years. Now it is paper and embellishments. I have no room to put anything else but, the ability to shop from my laptop at two in the morning makes it just too hard to pass up.


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