Neither of us can recall exactly how or when we decided we would get married. We know it happened early in our courtship and we always remember the why. Which is sweet... but, I still take any opportunity to rub in his face the fact that he never proposed to me. To help me in this endeavor I would love to hear your romantic stories about your thoughtful, romantic proposals. And for those of you that had similar experiences to mine, feel free to share those too. Misery loves company and all that!
In all seriousness, I adore this man and I'm so grateful for almost 9 years of married bliss with him. And maybe one day he'll surprise with that proposal. He always was a late bloomer.
I wish I had something romantic to share, but I never got a proposal either. He just gave me the box one day at home and that was that. I didn't even get the question "Will you marry me?" Despite the fact that there is no romantic story, my life is so full of love and I couldn't be happier. I think that's what is really important.
ReplyDeleteWell, my problem is that my husband's romantic side often makes me feel guilty for not being quite so romantic. Actually, I think I am romantic, but I am mostly too busy to be romantic. How pathetic is that? John proposed to me by surprising me during class - he read a letter I had written to him on his birthday, presented donuts to the class, and proposed with a Ring Pop. I have a Krispie Kreme hat signed by my students and that candy ring on a shelf in my office at school.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great story to pass down to the grandkids! Not every marriage needs to start off with an earth shattering proposal. Life isn't a movie after all.
ReplyDeleteOur engagement didn't start off with my name written in fireworks or anything but it was perfect for us. Heck, we were married by a guy wearing jeans and boots. He looked like he was going fishing right after he was done marrying us. We were married 9 years on March 7th and we are still happy, which is what I think matters in the end. :)
Oh Jen...boy do I need this today. We 'decided' to get married on the telephone one night when he was on duty at the fire department and I was getting ready to go out with some girl friends. I told them....I'm engaged...they said no you aren't you don't have a ring. I said the man I am marrying may not have given me an engagement ring yet...but we are still just as engaged. That is so true. Nineteen years later...we are ever so happily married. It only gets better though. Yesterday was my birthday and we worked in my mother-in-laws yard for 12 hours and today I helped her clean a house. This is supposed to be my vacation.
ReplyDeleteMy story is probably typical of two socially misfit engineers...he had a written list of pros and cons of getting married and apparently the list of pros was slightly longer. Wish you were me don't you? Love your story Jen...had to laugh at the "And he'd be wrong" part.
ReplyDeleteNo proposal here either. We decided that we should get married and just up and went to his favorite jewelry store to pick out a ring. And then we went to a local dive restaurant that serves great triple BLTs and celebrated with a beer. Ro-man-tic.
ReplyDeleteI tell you what, my sister got the candles and the rose petals and the whole shebang and ended up in a terrible divorce. I wouldn't trade mine for the world. ;)
Oh congrats on 9 years. I got a proposal out of a burger king bag, so I guess were in the same boat~
ReplyDeleteI love your to do list on the side thats a great idea~ I may have to do that it will keep me on task.
so sweet, even without the official proposal. can't wait to hear the sequel.
awww...so funny the ways things work out. I'd say that 9 years later, you must be doing something right...even without the proposal ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a great day Jen.
Ok, so here is the most romantic story you will ever hear...NOT. LOL. I got engaged in a Walmart parking lot, in my parents van! But thankfully it was just the two of us, but what I did really like what that he asked me to be his wife and not just to marry him. Our love story is on my blog, and you may or may not find it interesting. Thanks for such a beautiful blog, I really enjoy coming here.
ReplyDeleteWe were supposed to spend the day walking around a beautiful local park, taking photos, relaxing etc. We ended up having take the kids for the day because their mom had other plans, even though it was her weekend. I had no idea he had planned to propose that day. He asked me that night, on the couch after they left.
ReplyDeleteSo funny thing...my husband is the king of I.O.U. gifts. I should have known when he started by proposing WITHOUT A RING...the first of many I.O.U's by him...I did get a ring later and I certainly can laugh about it now because he is a wonderful giving father and husband in so many ways....but still known to start my birthday with..."I was thinking about something for you, but I wasn't quite sure you would want it"...he, he...
ReplyDeleteYour story is so funny! Isn't it funny the things that are NOT important to a man and all the things we don't forget??? My husband proposed at the jazz club that was the location of our first date. It is in Old Town Alexandria, VA. He got down on his knee in front of everyone and then the band...impromptu played "Our Love Is Here To Stay"....I better remember how sweet this was the next time I feel like complaining.
ReplyDelete(I was young, think 18) I was proposed to by my high school sweetheart- In the parking lot of a TGIFridays in Phoenix, Arizona. (There was a 7 year engagement!)But we are now going on 10 in May. So even though he isn't romantic he has his good sides.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful engagement anniversary to celebrate!! blessings,
ReplyDeletekari & kijsa
LOL that sounds like something my boyfriend would do to me. I just don't think men consider romantic gestures as a true representation of their feelings. They figure if I love her then I lover her why do I have to prove it all the time. Or at least that's what I've experienced. I have had plenty of flowers and gifts but I don't know...there's just something about guys being romantic that is different lol.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Oh dear, a thoughtful romantic proposal is certainl not the tale I can offer. I was proposed to in the middle of the street, at around 5.30 in the afternoon, when he had his hands full of suitcases and no ring... he didn't even stop walking. And I am serious!!!!
ReplyDeleteyeah, no "hidden ring in a dessert at a fancy restaurant" here either...
ReplyDeletebut the night that we decided to get married was very emotional and sweet.
16 years later, there still aren't many surprise romantic moments but...there are still fireworks!
My husband popped the question 11 weeks after I met him and caught me totally off guard, He secretly asked my Dad for approval-it was given- and I thought we were going to dinner {he was being deployed and I was headed back to college for my senior year} took me to a MT. Solidad over looks the ocean in Southern CA where there is a huge cross and flag... tourist galore and dropped to a knee and proposed! For all to see!!!
ReplyDeletethe rest is history,
I actually had the choice of two rings -- one that was his grandmother's (not an engagement ring) that the stone was missing from; the other his mother's original engagement ring (that she later replaced with a different one)!
ReplyDeleteI opted for grandma's old-fashioned ring -- white gold, filigree, quite pretty with a new diamond. I did get a proposal when he gave it to me officially. (A few days later, the new stone fell out! Fortunately, it fell inside and was caught between the ring top and my finger, so I didn't lose it. So far, 3-1/2 years later, that hasn't been a bad omen.)
the first time my husband kiss me I knew we would get married. the first time he ever talked to me he went home and told his roommate that he'd met the girl he was going to marry. now that is about as romantic as it gets, so our "engagement" story is WAY less romantic. in fact, it is so unromantic it is funny. it involves his parents credit card (we were so young!,) an outlet jewelry store in a strip mall, and his mom making him give me the ring on the sidewalk. we still get a lot of laughs out of it.
ReplyDeleteno proposal here either. we talked and decided and i picked out a ring. he did surprise me with the ring though when it was ready.
ReplyDeletei was doing film production at the time and was away on a shoot. he showed up at my hotel with the ring on my birthday and i ordered him a hamburger from room service. we always say that i got the ring and he got an engagement hamburger!
Hi Jen, Happy non- anniversary ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid my story is similar to yours. My husband never really proposed either... I guess we just decided we were going to get married, so I planned a wedding. How romantic ha ha!
I feel your "unromantic proposal" pain. My husband of now 23 years, called me into the family room of his apartment while I was making grilled cheese sandwiches before we had to take off for his college flag-football game. As I sat in the bachelor pad green velvet chair, he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life making me happy (That part was nice) would I marry him?? Followed by a "yes" and "I think the grilled cheese sandwiches are burning!!"
ReplyDeleteWe have been married 20 years, but my proposal was a red box being tossed at me from across the room with him saying "I don't think it will fit". I still wear it every day and he has indeed made up for it. MB
ReplyDeleteI am sooooooo with you. I have imagined big stuff, I have yearned for big stuff, I have fallen asleep with a smile on my face hoping for great stuff, and, like you, one day, somewhere along the way, we agreed we would get married because (he was Canadian and couldn't work) so we couldn't afford to just date. But, like you...........I truly am blessed to have him and wouldn't want to walk through this life without him. (I too, use opportunities to bring up romantic possibilities to erase history.) in fact, if your husband needs some ideas, I could help, for example, your husband could sneak onto your blog and leave a wonderful proposal. :-) that's a good start.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous green bouquet - love it!
ReplyDelete26 yrs ago I came home from the Dr's office and my cute boyfriend was there waiting for me....20 min later he said "well I guess we better get married!" I too take advantage of every opportunity to rub it in his face about the proposal! He's such a hunky fox though and I love him more every day! Not a romantic bone in his body but he'll go to the ends of the earth to make me happy, I think that might be romantic! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great blog!!
Crystal :)
26 yrs ago I came home from the Dr's office and my cute boyfriend was there waiting for me....20 min later he said "well I guess we better get married!" I too take advantage of every opportunity to rub it in his face about the proposal! He's such a hunky fox though and I love him more every day! Not a romantic bone in his body but he'll go to the ends of the earth to make me happy, I think that might be romantic! haha
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great blog!!
Crystal :)
My hubby took me on a picnic. We paddled the canoe over to an island and while I was biting into a very greasy chicken leg, he said, "do you want to get married?" I of course stopped eating, wiped my mouth, and kissed him with a yes. We're happily married almost four years now ; )
ReplyDeleteMy husband took me to the mall, then said he had to pick something up (that I couldn't see) so I had to shop in another store. He met me there a few minutes later, took me to Burger King, bought me a burger and handed me a bag from the jewelry store. No romance here.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, he did get down on one knee when we got home and propose properly.
We've been married for almost 29 years, and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
We had met at college. It was a rather small sized Christian School, where everybody (except the aviation students) had to take all of the same basic classes their freshman year; So they divided the freshman class into sections. Brian and I were in the same section - and always ended up sitting very near each other - teachers liked to assign seats alphabeticly - our first names started with B & C, both of our last names started with B - no matter which way the teachers did it - we were near each other.
ReplyDeleteAll students ate their meals together family style, but one Friday night the cook took the notion to serve Liver & Onions. After having only eaten the side dishes, when while talking to him in the commons he asked if I wanted to join a bunch of them for pizza, I jumped at the chance!!! On our first date I ended up sitting on his lap seeings how we were squeezing 11 of us in a Duster.
After 2 years, I was really darn sure he was going to propose. And being the romantic that I am, I had read all of these stories, and was sure I knew what signs to look for for his proposal. So when he talked about how he had to go home to get his money - I was sure the reason why. Turned out he needed his money due to having decided to switch to a electrnics school.
One night, in the middle of winter - in Michigan - he takes me to a section of the park by the river. He drove a convertible - so I was cold. He suggested I use the blanket on the floor to cover my legs, I whip it up thinking the ring would be under it. Nope. After talking a bit, he reaches past me to open the glove compartment - Awww, I think. Nope, he wanted a napkin to blow his nose.
We had noticed several other cars in this part of the park when he pulled in, many had snow on their roofs, so we figured they had been "parking" for a while. Then a police car pulls in, pulls directly behind us, and turns his light on. Turned out that they were using the park to store towed cars 8-/. After taking both of our info., etc. the police man kept looking at my anything but amused face, while I was sitting on the door handle on the other side of the car, and requested that Brian talk fast and take me home ;-p.
The night he did actually plan to ask me, he fore-warned me that he was taking me some place nice, that I might want to wear a dress, and that this time things would probably turn out like I was hoping o:-}
Afterwords we drove 45 minutes to his parents house to break the news. He walked in, told his mom, "she followed me home, can I keep her?" to which she replied, "Do I really have a choice?" (and she wasn't joking).
May will be 29 years of marriage for us. It has been quite the rollercoaster of a life - but I sometimes still get tingles at the sound of his voice - and we're back to going on dates every Fri. :-D