School started back yesterday. There were a few tears involved. Yes, they were all mine. But then I started cleaning the house & when I managed to get more done in 2 1/2 hours than I had all summer, I somehow felt less sad. It seems I require routine.

For the last several years the pictures I take of Maddie on the first day are always blurry. She is always running late, impatient with the process and fairly disgusted that I feel the need to document the occasion. I wonder what she'll think when I follow her to college to take them. I only got 3 shots and this picture of her with her BFF, Austin was
by far the best.

Emma was much less enthusiastic about her first day of school than Maddie was. First we found out that she had P.E on her first day. Well, there goes wearing her back to school dress. Not a good way to start. I thought we might have to drag her to the bus stop but as time went on she started picking up steam.

Finally she found herself excited to go. They both had wonderful first days and in the end so did I. I celebrated the day by going shopping and out to lunch with a friend. Oh and by mopping my kitchen floor, in what may or may not have been my first time doing so since school ended. Shh. Don't tell anyone.
darling pics of the kids returning to the beloved school!
ReplyDelete14 days and counting...
Cute kids. Our school started last week, and I've yet to mop my floors! It's on my to-do list.
ReplyDeleteThese pics make me sad and happy at the same time! I photographed my daughter in the same spot on out front porch every year on the first day of school... thirteen years in a row. She's starting her second year of college in two weeks and living away from me now so I won't be affected at all by her first day or the return of a school-year schedule. But... my kitchen floor stays cleaner and I can go out to lunch any day I choose. Doesn't sound like much of a trade though, does it? Enjoy your girls!
ReplyDeleteSummer is always fun but I too require a routine. I have always taken first day of school pics and yes, I did follow them to college and snap a few there too!
ReplyDeleteDarling girls, darling pics - they'll be glad you took them, in the not so far off future.
ReplyDeleteWe're homeschooling this year, so does that mean I don't have to mop the kitchen floor? Just checking. Love.
Great pictures of the girls, Jen. We take those back to school photos as well, all dressed in their new clothes. Abigail has the same backback as Emma! Next Wednesday is our day! I'm looking forward to breakfast out with David! Have a wonderful day.
I always think shopping and lunching are great ways to spend the first day back to school! :)
ReplyDeleteCute pictures! I love the one of your daughter skipping down the sidewalk~!
Adorable! I love the little skip in Emma's step :-) I remember the first day back to school blues (all mine) :-)
ReplyDeletei love the pic of maddie & her bestie! entirely too cute
ReplyDelete& i'm so with ya girlie...i feel sorta guilty but for 4 days i've had some kinda cleaning going on around here & i love it
here's to routine!
You mop your kitchen floor? What, you don't leave it in the hopes that when the crud is deep enough it will just peel off itself? (ha ha. I have to put that in case you think I'm serious.)
ReplyDeleteFirst day back already. Aah. I love the idea of documenting little moments like that.
Oh so precious. I am sooo the same way. I look forward to my summer and school breaks with my children. As busy and hectic, I just really enjoy hanging with my children. I do get very sad and weepy when they go back. I miss them! But I'm with you! Grab that mop and vacuum and organize a closet or two, I'm over it! I, too, need routine for myself after awhile!
ReplyDeleteOh so precious. I am sooo the same way. I look forward to my summer and school breaks with my children. As busy and hectic, I just really enjoy hanging with my children. I do get very sad and weepy when they go back. I miss them! But I'm with you! Grab that mop and vacuum and organize a closet or two, I'm over it! I, too, need routine for myself after awhile!
ReplyDeleteSchool doesn't start for a couple more weeks here in Minnesota (the law is after Labor Day), but just reading about your new ability to actually mop the floor makes me eager for it. In my case, both hubby and daughter go off--he to teach and she to learn. I love having them home, but hallelujah when they go back!
ReplyDeleteYour photos of this occasion are precious, and I loved the entry. My children start back to school in two more weeks. I'm looking forward to getting some organizing done too. Thank you for sharing these, they're wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI take the first day pics too. My oldest is a sophomore & I plan on making a shutterfly book when he graduates(and I cry).