November 14, 2024

It Begins

It begins with a plan, as most things do for me. In good times and in bad, it is what keeps me on the path. When the very worst of things have happened in my life, I take the time I need to process, even wallow a bit. Or a bunch. And then as if a light is switched on, I pull myself up by my bootstraps and come up with a plan. A way forward, a way to make lemonade from lemons, a way to not survive, but thrive. I have been told this is a by product of childhood trauma. Whatever it is, I am grateful for it. Not the trauma though, I’d happily give that back. 

About a month ago, I started thinking about a four year plan. A way to bring an extra dose of beauty to my life to counteract any anxiety. A search for peace, just in case I might need it. It turns out I need it very much. This might also resonate with you and if so I hope you will adapt it for your life whether it’s a four year plan, a just for today plan or an anything in between plan.

My four year plan to imbue my life with balance, beauty, peace and positivity:

-Keep my news intake minimal and from trusted non partisan sources.

-Do what I can to make even small changes in areas that are important to me. For instance, make the best choices I can to support our planet, volunteer time and/or money to causes I value and practice kindness in my community.

-Cultivate my already limited social media to offer inspiration and joy or cut out all together if it becomes necessary. Unfollow/mute, without guilt, any accounts that don't serve me. It's not you, it's me. But also, maybe it's you.

-Shop small and local whenever possible and give as little money as possible to the Bezos’ of the world.

-Seek out the beauty and joy. Flood my life with it!!!

-Immerse myself in creative play, learning and making. Take classes. Embrace having zero expectations other than just the joy of making which means letting go of the idea of perfection and just starting no matter the final results. It truly is about the journey.

-Make steps towards making a dream come true. Or a fistful of them.

-Embrace the things that have always offered comfort: tea, knitting, hosting, having a friend over for studio time, reading, cooking, nesting, spending time with my people.

-Keeping connection. Making time for a weekly phone call with someone important to me. Write a letter. You remember those don't you? "Mail. It was called mail."

-Getting out in nature

-Writing and journaling. Get all of those big feelings out of my head and onto paper.

-Planning adventures big and small

-Saying NO so that I can say yes to the things that align with the life I want to live.

-Creating rituals. This has become a very important component of my life. I have very special waking up and morning tea time rituals. Perhaps I will share more of them in my next post.

-Keeping lots of white space in my calendar. This is vitally important to my introvert self and leads to having more time for all of the above. 

I love the idea of a plan. It feels like much less pressure than a goal which tends to be imbued with endless amounts of expectation, possibility of failure, and laden with fear. Or is that just me? A plan is just a gentle idea, a kernel of a thought, a possibility, a dream. Plans change and that’s okay. We adapt as needed. I hope these were helpful to you and that you can find a bit of extra joy in your life today. 

With this post, I have begun a Substack. Where, after thinking about it for ages and waiting for the mythical "right time", in true Jen fashion, and having no clue what I am doing, I just dove in. With fear as my constant companion I did it, determined not to let perfectionism or a lack of technological skills stop me. Because why not? I hope to convince Emma, who has become rather techy, to make it pretty for me but she does not come cheap and her free time is at a premium as she strives to live her very best life. You should be able to follow this link and sign up to have my posts land in your inbox. It's totally free. I know over the years some of you have asked if you could sign up for a newsletter so it would appear that the answer is finally yes. At least for now I will also be posting the entries here because, well, this is home. And we all know there is no place like home.


  1. I’m so behind I don’t even know what substack is but I will check
    it out!

  2. Thank you. It's nice to connect with you, it was much needed. I like your plan. It's similar to mine.
    Let's move forward in hope.

    1. Hi Patricia! I'm so glad for you that you have a plan that will bring you joy.

  3. It’s a great plan! So happy you made it back, I’ve missed you. Terri

    1. Thank you, Terri! It felt so good to come home.

  4. Love this post of positivity!!!!

  5. I am also a great lover of a plan and consonants with this post strongly. Funny too that I have gone back to my blog today and also been looking at substack. I joined it today and have no idea really how it works but have managed to follow you at least. Hopefully our plan to figure that out will come together. In the meantime I think you have a great plan and I agree that lots of white space in the calendar is a very desirable situation. ☺️

    1. I love that we will learn together! Knowing you, you will have it mastered in no time at all!

  6. Thank you for putting into words what has been jumbling through my brain the last few weeks. Between the chaos of the world and the stress of work it was so wonderful to read your words and plan. :) <3

  7. Love all of this!


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